Soldier of Consequence
In 2006, video footage taken by Martin Webster was leaked to the press. It showed British troops beating Iraqi civilians. With public opinion turned against him, Martin wrote Soldier of Consequence to tell his side of the story. The book conveys the brutality and intensity of the Iraq war, and how ill-prepared the army was for it.

In the battle leading up to the infamous incident that was caught on video, Martin describes going days without sleep. Immersed in an army culture which fuelled aggression with an ‘us’ and ‘them’ mentality, violence was normal. The book explores Martin’s realisation that he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. It charts the first steps he took on the difficult journey towards recovery.

Listen to Martin read a chapter from his book Solider of Consequence. Warning: strong language:

Martin captures the constant tension and anxiety which service personnel endured during the Iraq war. A soldier edges his way along the walls of the Pink Palace in Alamarah, his gun at the ready. What could be waiting for him on the other side of the wall?

A soldier faces off against civilians throwing grenades. A crowd of rioters loom in the distance. Martin paints the burning wall using thick, rough brushstrokes. The piece vividly expresses the aggression, anger and fear felt in this moment and in Martin’s memories.
Martin also produced a documentary about his experiences called Diary of A Disgraced Soldier which can be watched online here: