
Derby Armband 1915
Posted on January 28, 2022

A Moral Conscription

‘Derby Scheme’ Armband 1915 The ‘Derby Scheme’ was introduced during the First World War, as the war was lasting longer...

Soldiers in the Trenches of WWI
Posted on December 24, 2021

The Christmas Truce

During World War One, there was a widespread series of unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front around Christmas time 1914,...

Emily Hobhouse
Posted on December 20, 2021

A letter of Christmas Greeting

A plea for continued sisterhood among the women of the world In 1914 as the first Christmas of the First...

Silk Postcard
Posted on December 20, 2021

Embroidered Silk Christmas Postcard

A heartfelt souvenir to be sent home from a serving soldier during World War One was an embroidered silk postcard....

Posted on December 6, 2021

Soldiers Rations

Tobacco Tobacco was highly prized by troops in World War One. Charitable organisations such as The Red Cross Society ensured...

The Lucknow Drum
Posted on October 22, 2021

The Lucknow Bass Drum

The museum at Bodmin Keep holds many musical instruments, and one of the key pieces in the military music collection...